Online video is the latest publicity tactic in public relations. Video content is by far the most powerful way to evoke somebody's emotions over the Internet, and this is largely thanks to the fact that people can hear the tone in your voice, see the expressions on your face, and actually feel more immersed than with just a text or a picture. Even the right application of the perfect music track goes a long way towards really selling the idea you're going for.
If you can tap into a person's emotions, you can also tap into their subconscious something you can then influence in all sorts of subtle ways to your advantage.
A Public Relations video's message and style may vary. A Public Relations Video can be a Press Release Video, PR Image Building Video, Giveaway Videos, PR Story Video, ORM Video, Advocacy Campaign Video, Reinforce brand values , Political campaign Video, company brand building, Company News, and Social, PR Video among others.
The bottom line: using video for PR is one of the most effective ways for PR and communications professionals to achieve their objectives. It's great for both attracting better partnerships and new customers.
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